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What the dot: Performativity in Aboriginal art

If the Aboriginal flag had been designed, would it be a dot painting? Artist and curator Dameeli Coates examines the relationship between ... View article...

The number of Indigenous kids in out of home care is at an all-time high. What is being done about it?

Just 6 per cent of Australian kids are Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander, yet they make up almost half of all children in out-of-home care. For ... View article...

Aboriginal Artefacts are being returned to Australia

A museum in the United States has returned more than 100 cultural heritage items to the Australian Institute of Aboriginal and Torres Strait ... View article...

Pilbara Aboriginal leaders meet to discuss local issues

First Nations leaders in Western Australia's north are meeting to discuss action on key social, economic, and political goals for communities in ... View article...

Māori survivors of abuse in state care want transformative action now

The final report of a royal commission of inquiry investigating abuse in state care was tabled in Parliament on Wednesday, Prime Minister ... View article...

Absurd': Government moves to overturn foreshore and seabed court decision over Māori rights

The Government will overturn a Court of Appeal decision covering Māori customary rights to the foreshore and seabed because it would give too much ... View article...

Fireworks ahead': Te Pāti Māori expect pusback over seabed and foreshore change

The Government is set to make it harder for Māori to claim customary title to the foreshore and seabed. Treaty Negotiations Minister Paul ... View article...

Te iwi Māori Will Not Stand For Another Foreshore And Seabed

In 2004 te iwi Māori rallied against the Crown's attempt to confiscate our coastlines and moana with the Foreshore and Seabed Act. This led to the ... View article...