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More to do on mental health

More to do on mental health : As one of Australia's leading mental-health not-for-profit organisations, RichmondPRA provides community-based support for people with a mental illness , including accommodation support, employment opportunities and simply extending an encouraging ... Australia-Malaysia | 中国 | 日本 | 한국 | ราชอาณาจักรไทย | Tiếng Việt | Stigmabase | eGAYlity

Australia's boom is anything but for its Aboriginal people

Australia's boom is anything but for its Aboriginal people : More than any other colonial society, Australia consigns its dirtiest secrets, past and present, to wilful ignorance or indifference. When I was at school in Sydney, standard texts all but dismissed the most enduring human entity on earth, the ... The Guardian (blog)

Youth detention gap widening

Youth detention gap widening Although they account for 5 per cent of young Australians , 39 per cent of those under supervision were indigenous . On an average day there were 236 indigenous youth per 10,000 -- up from 226 in 2008-09 -- under community supervision, compared with 23 ...

Politicians are out of step with the people on gay marriage

Politicians are out of step with the people on gay marriage : THE gay marriage debate has reignited again in Australia after Independent MP Tony Windsor called for a referendum on changing the laws. Despite voting against the most recent same-sex marriage bill, Mr Windsor has been quoted by media saying the ... Australia-Malaysia | 中国 | 日本 | 한국 | ราชอาณาจักรไทย | Tiếng Việt | Stigmabase | eGAYlity

Independent MP Tony Windsor calls for referendum on gay marriage

Independent MP Tony Windsor calls for referendum on gay marriage Independent MP Tony Windsor has drawn criticism from both sides of parliament today after calling for a national referendum in order to decide the gay marriage debate in Australia , with the suggestion being labelled as dangerous and potentially divisive.

Julia Gillard and Tony Abbott reject calls for gay marriage vote before election

Julia Gillard and Tony Abbott reject calls for gay marriage vote before election In Australia , NSW Premier Barry O'Farrell last week said the coalition should allow a conscience vote and yesterday Reverend Fred Nile added his support to the call for a referendum. The Federal Government is reportedly expected to announce in coming ...

Why a referendum on gay marriage is a bad idea - Sydney Morning Herald

Why a referendum on gay marriage is a bad idea - Sydney Morning Herald : An Australian referendum would give anti- gay stalwarts such as Fred Nile the biggest megaphone they have ever had. This is why anti-equality groups are usually the ones calling for a referendum. Another big problem is confusion about what's being ... Australia-Malaysia | 中国 | 日本 | 한국 | ราชอาณาจักรไทย | Tiếng Việt | Stigmabase | eGAYlity

Ukip Leader Nigel Farage Urged to Act against Homophobic 'Fruitcakes'

Ukip Leader Nigel Farage Urged to Act against Homophobic 'Fruitcakes' : Ukip LGBT chairman Thomas Booker told IBTimes UK reform is needed. Around 200 Ukip members are connected with the party's LGBT wing,he claimed. He called on leader Nigel Farage to act strongly against homophobia in party ranks. The candidates in ...