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The Apology and Beyond. How we Must Confront Racism in Autsralia

The Apology and Beyond. How we Must Confront Racism in Autsralia  - As we reflect today on the state of Indigenous Australia , it is impossible to ignore the current debate about racism in our country. This is a difficult ...

Scabies mite genome mapped in boost for remote Indigenous health

Scabies mite genome mapped in boost for remote Indigenous health  -  Australian researchers have used cutting-edge genome technologies to identify the genetic map of the human parasitic scabies mite

Sorry Seems To Be The Hardest Word

Sorry Seems To Be The Hardest Word  - When it comes to Indigenous Australians it seems we're particularly reluctant. What is it about the Stolen Generations that brings out the most callous ...

Aboriginal artefacts make a surprising return to Australia

Aboriginal artefacts make a surprising return to Australia  -  The National Museum of Australia's Encounters: Revealing Stories of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Objects from the British Museum addresses ...

Gene technology to help healthy skin in Aboriginal Australians

Gene technology to help healthy skin in Aboriginal Australians  -  Gene technology to help healthy skin in Aboriginal Australians ... Scabies is rife in many remote Aboriginal communities in Australia , affecting one in ...

An Aboriginal comedy show in Australia finds a mainstream audience

An Aboriginal comedy show in Australia finds a mainstream audience  - Aborginals aren't especially visible on Australian television. But a new hit sketch comedy show has found a mainstream audience and it did it almost ...

Refugees in limbo in PNG

Refugees in limbo in PNG  - Refugee advocates and a local MP have disputed the Papua New Guinea government's claims about resettlement of refugees held on Manus Island.

We all know it could have been worse'

We all know it could have been worse'  - I began speaking to people I came across: did you feel the earthquake? ... But less than 48 hours later, the brand- new road outside his Christchurch ...