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Is It Legal To Not Report A Crime?

Is It Legal To Not Report A Crime?  - For example, school teachers in Australia must report suspected child abuse to the relevant authorities. (In Victoria, reporting child sexual abuse is a ...

Why Do Animals Exhibit Same-Sex Sexual Behaviour?

Why Do Animals Exhibit Same-Sex Sexual Behaviour?  - The associate professor and primate expert from the University of Western Australia says that the behaviour between the two female gorillas was ...

Low income earners urged to take a stance on poverty

Low income earners urged to take a stance on poverty  - "If there's one thing that a wealthy country like Australia should be able to do it is to say 'we're going to take poverty seriously'." The Coalition did not ...

Canada's progress shows indigenous reconciliation is a long-term process

Canada's progress shows indigenous reconciliation is a long-term process  -  Australia is being held back by its unresolved relationship with its Indigenous population. Drawing on attempts at reconciliation overseas, this series of ...

Federal election 2016: suicide warning over late NDIS 'bungling'

Federal election 2016: suicide warning over late NDIS 'bungling'  - The theory is that we ended up funding an oasis in the middle of a desert,” Mental Health Australia chief executive Frank Quinlan said. “We know from ...

Suicide risk greater in SA's South East following loss of funding for mental health program

Suicide risk greater in SA's South East following loss of funding for mental health program - The head of a national mental health service has said people in South Australia's South East will be at a higher risk of suicide following the end of ...

Professor Gillian Triggs calls for more education about human rights

Professor Gillian Triggs calls for more education about human rights  - Speaking to the theme 'Re-imagining Human Rights in Australia ' Professor Trigg ... “I suggest that Australia fails to meet our international human rights ... Australian parliamentarians highlight the case in America where same sex  ...

Catholic Bishops enter election fray over gay marriage

Catholic Bishops enter election fray over gay marriage  -  Australian Marriage Equality estimates 72% of Australians support same-sex marriage, including 59% of Christians and 85% of people with children.