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We were once afraid of heroin. Now 13 people can die without notice

We were once afraid of heroin. Now 13 people can die without notice  - I was a student in Melbourne during those years. This was before all the money was sloshing around – before laneway bars and pop-up restaurants. Melbourne felt different then. The economy was crawling, it always seemed to be cold, the city was a sort of badlands of shops up for lease, foreclosures, dirty awesome live music venues, old-man pubs, low-hanging skies.

Can Labor capture the grey vote?

Can Labor capture the grey vote?  - If there's one stereotype for voters in Australia it is that younger Aussies tend to vote for Labor and the Greens, whereas older voters tend to flock ...

Marsupial mole makes rare appearance in WA

Marsupial mole makes rare appearance in WA  -  Aboriginal women in Western Australia's north have encountered a strange, silky-haired mole that is only spotted a handful of times each decade.

Labor announces Aboriginal legal services funding

Labor announces Aboriginal legal services funding  - The Law Council of Australia has commended an announcement by the Federal Labor Party that it would pump $20.4m in Aboriginal legal services ...

It's so beautiful': Indigenous rangers spot rare golden-coloured mole in desert

It's so beautiful': Indigenous rangers spot rare golden-coloured mole in desert  - They had been driving at bilby-spotting speed near Marruwa, a place of Aboriginal significance on the West Australian side of Lake Mackay, which ...

Bill Shorten 'Up For' Treaty With Indigenous Australians

Bill Shorten 'Up For' Treaty With Indigenous Australians  - Bill Shorten has voiced support for investigating the possibility of a treaty with Australia's indigenous people, in addition to constitutional recognition of ...

Isolated cave system off Esperance reveals vibrant underwater world and ancient Aboriginal history

Isolated cave system off Esperance reveals vibrant underwater world and ancient Aboriginal history - A search for Aboriginal artefacts hidden in underwater caves patrolled by ... east of Esperance and 60km off the southern coast of Western Australia .

This golden mole is an exceptionally rare sight in Australia's outback

This golden mole is an exceptionally rare sight in Australia's outback  - This one was spotted by rangers in the Kiwirrkurra Indigenous Protected Area (IPA) in Western Australia , while they were documenting stories about ...