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Labor's Linda Burney Becomes 1st Indigenous Woman In The House Of Reps

Labor's Linda Burney Becomes 1st Indigenous Woman In The House Of Reps  -  Australia , you're still in for a long night of vote counting, but get around this: we're set for our first ever Indigenous woman to take a seat in the House of ...

Burney triumphs over misfortune

Burney triumphs over misfortune  - It follows Ms Burney's other history-making moment — the first Aboriginal ... justice and recognising Aboriginal people in the Australian constitution.”.

Growth in aged Indigenous populations 'unprecedented'

Growth in aged Indigenous populations 'unprecedented'  - There are currently 51,303 Indigenous Australians aged over 60, and by 2026, ... Throughout Australia there were 33 specific services for Indigenous  ...

Australia's first Aboriginal ballerina - The West Australian

Australia's first Aboriginal ballerina - The West Australian  - When Mary Miller was asked by a music teacher at primary school what the class could do for an end-of-year concert, her arm shot up in the air.

6 Ways Money Does Buy Happiness

6 Ways Money Does Buy Happiness  - There's a growing body of evidence supporting the idea that growing up in poverty can have a long-term impact on children's cognitive development.

Australia's election outcome may clear in days

Australia's election outcome may clear in days  -  Australia's opposition leader Bill Shorten, right, and his wife, Chloe, cast their votes in the federal election at Moonee Ponds ...

Australia's first openly gay Imam talks Islamophobia and homophobia

Australia's first openly gay Imam talks Islamophobia and homophobia  - It's disgusting, because you suffer from Islamophobia, from both the mainstream non-Muslim community and some in the LGBT community.”.

UN council to appoint LGBT expert

UN council to appoint LGBT expert  - The UN Human Rights Council has agreed to appoint an independent investigator to help protect homosexuals and transgender people worldwide ...