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Miners to help pay for native title compensation claims

Miners to help pay for native title compensation claims  - The West Australian government will pass on the liability for future native title compensation claims onto third parties such as mining companies, in a ...

We compared the new words in the Australian and Oxford dictionaries, and now we don't know if ...

We compared the new words in the Australian and Oxford dictionaries, and now we don't know if ...  - The Australian National Dictionary was updated for the first time in 28 years this week, immortalizing 6,000 new words and phrases. Among the entries ...

A world with inequality everywhere is a moral and economic threat

A world with inequality everywhere is a moral and economic threat  - There's no guarantee Australia will always be the land of the fair go. ... There is growing evidence that inequality is increasing not only in Australia but ... How did we get back to societies and economies where absolute poverty is ...

Australia's Changing Attitudes to Adoption - How are gays and lesbian affected?

Australia's Changing Attitudes to Adoption - How are gays and lesbian affected?  - Andrew Shaw looks at issues around adoption in Australia , and specifically how proposed new laws in Queensland could benefit gay and lesbian ...

Viral Facebook post nails why country's marriage equality vote is a bad idea

Viral Facebook post nails why country's marriage equality vote is a bad idea  - Many commentators on this subject don't understand that for many gay and lesbian Australians hate speech is not abstract, it is part of our every day ...

Adoption, Foster Care and the Rights of the Child

Adoption, Foster Care and the Rights of the Child  - Barnardos Australia suggests the new laws should encourage open ... If adoption becomes legal for same-sex couples and singles in Queensland, ...

Georgie Stone is the role model young Australians need to propel change

Georgie Stone is the role model young Australians need to propel change  - Georgie Stone is fast becoming a household name in Australia, and for ... her campaign to raise awareness for the struggles of Australia's LGBT youth.

Ancient indigenous art back in vogue

Ancient indigenous art back in vogue  - Now, art museums in Europe and the US are dedicated to showing Aboriginal art, which poet Les Murray described as “ Australia's equivalent of jazz” ...