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Developing youth leaders in Wadeye

Developing youth leaders in Wadeye - They are now looking to the future and the opportunities before them, both in their community and around Australia . Bernice Bitting, who is 20 years ...

Cash source exposes the great public-private school divide

Cash source exposes the great public-private school divide - Sydney Grammar's academic results put it very near the top of any list of Australia's best schools. Walgett's scores are substantially below the national  ...

Loneliness Survey Finds Australians Are Very, Very Lonely

Loneliness Survey Finds Australians Are Very, Very Lonely - According to the findings, 60 percent of Australians often feel lonely. ... But with RUOK's recent finding that suicide rates in Australia have scaled a ten ...

Video game offers new life to ancient Indigenous language

Video game offers new life to ancient Indigenous language - The world's first Aboriginal Australian language video game has put smiles on the faces of Indigenous children who never thought they'd see their ...

Make a curry, help those in need

Make a curry, help those in need - So when a micro-finance non-profit organisation was looking for a way to encourage Australians to raise money for Asian families living in poverty , ...

Why I had my brother's baby'

Why I had my brother's baby' - With adoption and surrogacy proving near impossible for same sex couples, both in Australia and overseas, Ashlee felt compelled to step in and offer ...

The Government Has Divorced Itself From Responsibility on Same-Sex Marriage

The Government Has Divorced Itself From Responsibility on Same-Sex Marriage - The current debate around a same sex marriage plebiscite is a breathtaking ... if the right to marriage should be made available to all Australians .

Unemployed, aged, disabilities, carers

Unemployed, aged, disabilities, carers - The Australia Institute (TAI) estimates that $3.77 billion or 62 percent of the 6.1 billion in savings ... As Falzon said, “ Poverty is not a personal choice.