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Madonna's next video 'tribute to Stonewall, drag queens and LGBTI rights'

Madonna's next video 'tribute to Stonewall, drag queens and LGBTI rights' - Many believe the next video off the Madame X album will be a love letter to the LGBTI community. Fans say there are three exciting reasons why ...

Nirvana's manager reveals whether Kurt Cobain had gay lovers

Nirvana's manager reveals whether Kurt Cobain had gay lovers - The frontman of Nirvana, Kurt Cobain, was a LGBTI ally far before it was popular. That is one of the most significant memories of the rock legend in ...

2018 Census – real data about real people

2018 Census – real data about real people - The first release of data will include the census usually resident population counts; the number of general and Māori electorates; and the general and ...

Tobacco tax hike drives up cost of living for beneficiaries, Maori

Tobacco tax hike drives up cost of living for beneficiaries, Maori - Stats NZ figures show the cost of living for beneficiaries rose 0.6 percent in the three months through March, and rose 0.4 percent for Maori .

Māori Council ups fight for fair deal

Māori Council ups fight for fair deal - The New Zealand Māori Council has set itself an ambitious programme including action on water, housing, health, poverty, environment and justice.

Share a drink with Lisa Renard and know more about the art of embellishment of Maori people in ...Share a drink with Lisa Renard and know more about the art of embellishment of Maori people in ...

Share a drink with Lisa Renard and know more about the art of embellishment of Maori people in ... - In Maoridom, how one does not wear a cloak or a māori tattooing but one is worn by such ancestral treasure and what does that mean? Dr. Lisa ...

Census falls short on iwi stats

Census falls short on iwi stats - She says the work done to combine census data with administrative records means data on Māori ethnicity and Māori descent is likely to be more ...

Annual census could replace five-year form-filling

She outlined today how Stats NZ had plugged those gaps by fast-tracking plans to make far greater use of ... loss", but that Stats NZ was taking the failure across government agencies to collect data on individual Maori peoples' iwi ... View article...

Homophobic remarks by Brazil's president may harm tourism industry

Homophobic remarks by Brazil's president may harm tourism industry - Bolsonaro's homophobic remarks will have social and economic repercussions for Brazil," said John Tanzella, president of the International LGBTQ+ ...

Homophobia begins from a lack of education'

Homophobia begins from a lack of education' - ' Homophobia begins from a lack of education' ... On another occasion, he called up the notoriously homophobic Westboro Baptist ...

Charts demonstrate decline in world's anti-gay laws

Charts demonstrate decline in world's anti-gay laws - International Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Trans and Intersex Association. They were published in ILGA's latest report on State-Sponsored Homophobia .

After Backlash From Parents, A Canceled School Musical Portraying Two Gay Dads Is Now Back On

After Backlash From Parents, A Canceled School Musical Portraying Two Gay Dads Is Now Back On - Parents told reporters that push-back from administrators began when the district received complaints from a homophobic parent about gay content in ...

Homophobia persists amongst older Australian Defence Force veterans, digger says

Homophobia persists amongst older Australian Defence Force veterans, digger says - Mr Drew said Defence has since made incredible strides in making LGBTIQ servicepeople feel supported at work, but he believes homophobia still ...

Idol Philippines': This cover of 'A Natural Woman' had the judges on their feet

Idol Philippines': This cover of 'A Natural Woman' had the judges on their feet - in his voice was coming from --a painful place--his frustrations over his dad's homophobia , and his anger about the men who abandoned his mother.

Academic claims on Kuwaiti television that gay men have an 'anal worm that feeds on semen'

Academic claims on Kuwaiti television that gay men have an 'anal worm that feeds on semen' - An academic in Kuwait has claimed in a television interview that gay men have a worm in their anus that 'feeds on semen' and that she has found a ...

The ultimate same-sex wedding guide for LGBT couples

The ultimate same-sex wedding guide for LGBT couples - The ultimate same-sex wedding guide for LGBT couples .... Canada and New Zealand are considered the best countries for same-sex couples to visit ...

Recap : Aboriginal Community

Recap : Aboriginal Community

Recap : Māori | NZ

Recap : Māori | NZ

Remembering the Aboriginal Anzac heroes

Remembering the Aboriginal Anzac heroes -  Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people have long served in the Australian Defence Forces through both world wars, however in recent years they ...

Up Your Native-Australian Cooking Game With This Very Accessible New Cookbook

Up Your Native- Australian Cooking Game With This Very Accessible New Cookbook - Two of Australia's most passionate advocates for indigenous food and culture Rebecca Sullivan and Damien Coulthard want to get more native ...